About Us

Hi there. I'm just a normal dude trying to figure this whole thing out. Please join me as I explore the fascinating new world of artificial intelligence. My big idea is to use a.i. generated artwork to make some odd and fun pieces, focusing on cryptids. Why not smash two oddities together?

I've always loved the tales of creepy creatures lurking in the wilderness. Is that a Sasquatch you hear? Do those red-eyes belong to a Mothman from another dimension? Are those visitors just repairing their craft or have they cultivated some sort of people zoo? The possibilities are endless...and terrifying.

So I started this store that makes print on demand items, featuring the creepy creations that I've made. Everything is pretty much a work in progress, and I'll be doing my best to constantly be adding new things to the store. If you like what you see, please let me know or if you have any questions or suggestions, I'd be happy to hear from you. If you're lucky, I might even include pictures of my cats.

Thanks for stopping by, and Enjoy Exploring the Void,






Sasquatch Believes In You

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